Start as you mean to go on

It’s the start of the new season and hopefully all is going well and your new team members are settled and fitting into their new role(s).  We highlighted back in April the importance of having a good process in place to help your staff settle into their new job and posted the link to the Dairy NZ Orientation resource, which we know some have found useful. 

But don’t worry if you haven’t managed to get to it, it’s never too late to engage and get things started, especially as you are now at the end of your first week together. 

We know that good bosses have good communication and clarity with their staff – so now is the time for you to check-in with how the first week has gone for your new team member, and start the process of getting to understand one another’s expectations and preferences at work.  This can start as simply as asking how they’ve found the first week and thanking them for their efforts to date.

Don’t forget this is not just a one off, you need to carry this on a regular basis, we suggest you also do a week two, and an end of the first, second  and third months up to the end of the first 90 days.  Don’t worry we will keep reminding you!