
Let us help you find great people, save you time and effort and add a professional touch - all in one go!

From our full service 'search and select' with a replacement guarantee, through to simply accessing our extensive database of people looking for jobs like yours - let us help you find the right person in a way that works for you.

Human Resources

At No8HR we can provide you with expert on-line, telephone and face to face support to help you lead your team and get the most out of them.  

  • Contracts, Employment Policies and other employment Documentation
  • Health and Safety
  • Team surveys,360 tools & exit interviews
  • Managing through change 
  • Performance, development and succession
  • Remuneration 


    Our customized and public programmes deliver proven behavioural change designed to maximise the performance of your team and your business. Choose one of our popular public programmes or speak to a consultant about your specific business needs.

    • GEAR-UP for Governance
    • Empowering Teams
    • Eight Steps to increasing performance & productivity
    • Beyond 8 Steps

    View for more training courses.

    Business Advice

    Businesses are continually evolving and the structure and leadership requirements of the business need to keep pace, and ideally be ahead of, these requirements.  If you're looking for help to understand, explore or plan the execution of the next stage of your business' evolution then talk to e of our business and leadership specialists to understand how we can help.

    • Strategic and People Planning
    • Governance Planning and Strategic Advisor Selection
    • Leadership Transition and Succession