COVID-19 (Caronavirus)

The government has produced Corona Virus information for businesses that we all need to be across.  There’s lots of useful information but the key points for employers are:

Healthline has a free dedicated phone number for health advice and information about coronavirus, including registering self-isolation. You can call 0800 358 5453, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Access to interpreters is also available. For international SIMS, call +64 9 358 5453.

WorkSafe New Zealand has information about the business and worker requirement for keeping people safe and well in the workplace.  Essentially there is a requirement for employers and employees to protect the health and safety of each other, and this includes infectious diseases.  

If you have team members returning from infected areas it’s important to follow the guidelines concerning self isolation and these are changing all the time, so phone the healthline if you or a team member is returning from overseas to check in on current recommendations.  Payment or otherwise for any enforced leave is a potentially difficult area to navigate so give us a call if this situation applies to your business

Additionally, in 2017 the Government produced the New Zealand Influenza Pandemic Plan.  It now falls upon all businesses to have a plan for a pandemic and this is our best guidance on how to put this together…let’s hope it doesn’t come to this but preparedness will help.


Other information to help Companies navigate this difficult time can be found at:
