Can We Help Your Business?

There isn’t a business in NZ that isn’t touched in some way by the current COVID-19 crisis…and we want to make sure our clients are getting it right during this difficult and constantly changing time

There are likely to be increased risks to your business as we navigate these difficult times and some of our clients have already experienced employee representatives trying to cajole and take advantage of them as they try and do the right thing by their teams. 

So, whether your business is totally closed, partially closed or fully open as an essential service, you are likely to have questions and we can help you with the answers. Whatever your situation we can provide a listening ear, support, and answer questions around people, payroll, leave, claiming subsidies and making changes….and the first hour’s on us…That’s right….the first hour will cost you nothing, nada, zilch….

To register for your one hour session call our office number 07 870 4901 and (although we’re not in the office) we’ll pick up your call or come back to you if you leave a message… We look forward to connecting with you