Great Jobs....

Great jobs available now and year around…

More and more we’re seeing a shift in recruitment in the dairy sector away from its traditional focus on 1 June.  We support this for a number of reasons:

  • It makes us really think about what jobs we need doing on farm when, and maybe having three full time team members all year around isn’t the right answer – there are lots of great ideas on alternatives out there and there are lots of people looking for ‘non-traditional’ farming roles.
  • Good people are available in the market all year around.
  • Smoothing out seasonal recruitment means businesses are less likely to lose all of their knowledgeable team members just as they come in to the busiest time of the year.

If you’re looking for a farming job, take a look at our current vacancies (if you’re looking for a non-farming job then take a look at the jobs our sister Company P4S Consulting has going at www.p4sconsulting.co.nz) and if you’re looking for a new team member we literally have thousands on our data-base so get in touch and we’ll see how we can help.